Scroll down the page to find out more about each course

A little about the wellbeing courses

Each of the courses offers a variety of ways for participants to learn, including:

  • Short talks
  • Powerpoint presentations
  • Videos
  • Small group work in break-out rooms
  • Individual exercises
  • Reflections as a group


It is set up to be a friendly space, where everyone feels welcome and there is a sense of ‘mattering’. Sara sees her role as a facilitator, not just a tutor, and leads the session in a way that encourages discussion and reflection.

Participants will be introduced to new concepts but – more importantly – they will learn how to integrate these new ideas into their lives when they go home.

About the Courses

Meeting Anger for Parents

  • Learn more about anger – what is really going on when someone is angry.  
  • Learn about the causes and contributing factors of anger.
  • Learn many ways and tools to respond when anger is present in oneself or another,  that priorities the relationship and enhances the wellbeing of parent and child.  

Journey to Calm

• Are you feeling stressed?
• Would you like to feel more calm in your life?

Journey to Calm helps you develop the tools to release stress and anxiety and move to a calmer way of being.

Compassionate Classroom

This program is designed specially for primary school children and is delivered in the classroom. It aims to give children the tools to develop self-compassion and emotional resilience, making them better equipped to deal with life’s challenges

Compassionate Women

This is a lovely course to run for a women’s group. Through the participation and sharing on the course, it can really build a sense of community and connection within the women’s group. 

Compassionate Self

• Do you often find yourself thinking ‘I should’, ‘I have to’, ‘I ought to’ ?
• Have you ever really thought about how you speak to yourself?
• How would your life be if you were to become your own best friend?

Bespoke Courses

Would you like a course specifically designed for your project/group? 

Maybe you have some specific objectives in mind or you want to offer a course to enhance wellbeing.  Sara is happy to design and deliver courses tailored to the specific needs of your group/project.

Feedback from previous participants on courses run over the past year

“Sara’s course has honestly given me so many tools to help me feel good about myself as well as be kinder and more patient when things get quite bad.” – Susan

“The meditations and how relaxed I felt for the rest of the day after each session. Missing it now😊.” – Mary

“I found Zoom to be brilliant and it made the course so accessible and easy to attend.” –  Mags

“The fact it was online and felt more comfortable talking where I wouldn’t if it had been in a seated face to face form.” – Catherine

“I really appreciated and responded well to Sara’s teaching/guiding style. She is a very compassionate, empathetic person who is sensitive to everyone’s needs. Everyone had a chance to speak and be heard, I felt acknowledged. I felt that everyone’s voice was important to the group’s growth, which Sara really supported.” – Annie

“Excellent , professional and good judge of pace and issues of people on the course.” – Mary

I liked learning about myself, practicing daily gratitude, being more aware of the windows of tolerance and locus of control and putting into my day or week self-compassion and tapping” – Ann

Such a wide variety of techniques covered, in a variety of ways – poems, presentations, pictures and demonstrations, all very clear and easy to understand. Recap and reinforcement of what we learned at the end was very helpful plus listing off strengths we had, gave me a stronger sense of myself and faith to cope in the future. This course was brilliant – I would do it again and again!!” – Elizabeth